

Baseball Age

Skills & Drills| 1 baseball day per week |InstructionalSeason is early March ~mid June
The Skills and Drills division is for players who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding. The focus is almost entirely on instruction. The primary goals of Skills and Drills are to instruct children in the fundamentals and to allow them to experience the value of being a part of the Cambrian Park Little League Community. All practices take place on Sunday afternoons on the T-Ball field.



TEE BALL| 2 baseball days per week |InstructionalSeason is early March ~mid June
The Tee Ball division is for players who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding.The focus is on instruction rather than competition.Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching.The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork.Coaches are permitted on the field to teach while the game is in progress. Players hit a ball off a batting tee stand. Players have the opportunity to try all positions.
40' Base Path; 100' Outfield Fence


5, 6

MINOR“A”InstructionalSeason is early Feb. ~mid June
This is the entry division ofminor league.The minor "A" experience is where kids are introduced to “machine pitched” baseballs controlled by the coach.Competition is low key.Playersare rotated around all outfield and infield positions.Everyone bats each inning regardless if playing one of the defensive positions at the time.Players are entitled to play a minimum of half the game (defensive innings) and 1 time at bat per inning.Games last 120 minutes.
50' Base Path; 125' Outfield Fence

Coach controlled machine pitch from 46’.


MINOR “AA”InstructionalSeason is early Feb. ~mid June
This division of minor league is called “coach & player pitch”.The minor "AA" experience is where kids are first introduced to livepitching.Players will pitch some the innings of each game and the coach will pitch the remainder.Competition remains low key.Players are assigned outfield and infield positions.Games last six innings or two hours (whichever occurs first).Everyone bats each inning regardless if playing one of the defensive positions at the time.
50~60' Base Path; 125~175' Outfield Fence

Coach and player pitching from 46’


MINOR “AAA”InstructionalSeason is early Feb. ~mid June
This is the division where kids are introduced to higher competition and officiating by umpires following the strict rules and regulations of Little League Baseball.Score is kept, win/loss results and standings are recorded.Skill levels vary widely among athletes and managers may position players according to their “best fit”.Players are entitled to play a minimum of nine defensive outs (three innings out of six).Everyone bats each inning regardless if playing one of the defensive positions at the time.
60' Base Path; 175' Outfield Fence

Player pitching from 46’.


MAJORSSeason is early Feb. ~mid June
The major division is where athletes are a bit bigger and stronger and the level of competition increases.Athletes throw and hit the baseball much harder than in the minor “AAA” division.Players are entitled to play a minimum of nine defensive outs (three innings out of six) and one time at bat.Positions are assigned by the coaching staff and based on a player’s ability to demonstrate the skill necessary for the position played.Games are managed for team development first then individual skill development.This level of play is considered competitive.
60' Base Path; 203' Outfield Fence

Player pitching from 46’.


JUNIORSSeason is late Feb. ~mid May
This division is considered preparatory for high school baseball.Talent level is wide.Lead offs and metal cleats permitted.Rules closely match MLB.This level of play is considered competitive.
90' Base Path; No Outfield Fence

Player pitching from 60’.6”


SENIORSSeason ismid May~ late June
After high school frosh/soph season completes.This level of play is considered competitive.
90' Base Path; No Outfield Fence

Player pitching from 60’.6”


Bold= Core Age

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